Tire applications – 1

RFID tire tag solutions are all based on the same concept of a tag applied to an object, read by a reader and stored in a database. The challenge for a successful implementation lies in dealing with the complex and harsh environment of tire manufacturing. CMRFID has produced a number of solutions and addressed these factor.
In mixing processes, RFID labels can be applied on the big bags of chemicals, rubber and a RFID reader fixed on the loader. The moment the wrong chemicals are recognized by the reader the loader will stop, and an alarm is activated. Mistakes can, therefore, be prevented before they occur.
CMRFID solution can support the management of tire-making machines, machine parts and tools. The type of tire is stored in a database and associated with different tools.
If an RFID reader is placed in the tire building machine, and the machine is planned to build a specific type of tire; using RFID tags integrated into the parts and tools, the machine will recognize if the correct tools are loaded to build the tire to specifications. If there is no match, then the machine does not start.
All segments mold management, bead rings, container and molds can be fitted with an integrated RFID tag protected by the component itself. A parent/child relationship is created between the mold, bead rings and segments by using RFID. The parent/child relation makes it easy to count the sequence of the segments within the mold.
CMRFID integrated readers have a very long reading distance and can be used to identify the mold in the mold warehouse. This solution survives the harsh “mold processes” such as dry-ice cleaning, ultrasonic cleaning, welding, pre-heating (up to 260°C) and the normal use within production. Having a tag on the press provides greater transparency, as the mold is coupled to the press.
CMRFID solution and products also can be used to support material flow within the factory. Placing an RFID tag on a carrier, such as a trolley, matches material with a specific carrier. Therefore, material flows will be transparent and can be recognized by the machines and easily located within the factory.
To be continued…

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