Hospital Asset Management
The loss and underutilization of mobile assets costs the healthcare sector millions of pounds each year. Particularly in acute hospitals, typically large multi-floored sites with over 10,000 assets, it's a struggle to keep track of equipment…

Tags and Labels
CMRFID tags and labels are trusted by many of the largest retailers and the top fashion brands in the world for a decade. Every RFID inlay can be programmed to electronically store information including product type, size, color and various…

Intelligent Labels
CMRFID Intelligent labels that are inlaid with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology are increasingly simplifying many aspects of lives. The clothes we wear and the food we eat, our cars, medicine, and air travel are all affected…

RFID implementation in tourism industry are remarkable factor in increasing the efficiency of marketing, improving the quality of services and offering a new experience to the customers. Up to now, RFID has been most often used by stakeholders…

Benefits of RFID in Manufacturing and Supply Chain
1) RFID can improve the quality and transparency of Data across the supply chain. Accurate data management that is easily accessed makes it possible to solve a multitude of process inefficiencies. Data management is vital in all industries…

Supply Chain Management
CMRFID products and solution can be integrated in all steps of supply chain. These days factories, distribution centers, and stores are equipped with and reap the benefits of RFID. Many factories started the source-tagging of all their own…

CMRFID tire tag implementation
Nowadays the tire industry is one of the most conservative, due to resistance of manufacturer to changing the construction of a tire or the processes related to building a tire. Therefore, introducing new technologies needs to be carefully structured…

Tire applications - 2
The use of CMRFID tags on each tire, controls the complete lifecycle of the tire from manufacturing sections to finally scrapping of the used tire.
Customized RFID aftermarket labels have been developed to support fleet-management, set up anti-theft…

Tire applications - 1
RFID tire tag solutions are all based on the same concept of a tag applied to an object, read by a reader and stored in a database. The challenge for a successful implementation lies in dealing with the complex and harsh environment of tire…

CMRFID has revolutionized Tire industry
These days Radio frequency identification is being deployed rapidly in a growing number of tire industry processes and will deliver more transparency, fewer rejected tires and production failures and better control of materials.
It has been…